Poem: What you wanna do?

If you truly want what you want
Get up and come get it
Subliminal messaging won’t
Move you closer to touching,
caressing or holding me

Unfetter yourself
Reach out, ask, receive,
speak us into existence
Come close
Do what you wanna do
So I can be fully who I am
A blessing and a comfort
Beyond dreams and satisfaction

As you linger in the background
Answer me this:
Is we or ain’t we?
You got this?
or do I have to get you?
If I got you
Then, who got me?
Do what you want as long as
you cover and keep me
Build and cultivate relationship
Grant the joy of proximity

The grace of shared presence
until there’s no doubt
Of who WE is
You are me
I am you
We together are One
One breath
One thought
One heart
One spirit
One body

So, what you gonna do?
Stay motionless or move forward
You, me or we?
All in for everything or
Stay back for nothing but the status quo

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