“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!”

SupeNLoisAs“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!”

Remember when Superman caught Lois Lane mid-air and said these words to her? Lois looked at him incredulously and said, “You’ve got me, but who’s got you?!?!”

I never thought of it this way, but it’s just come to me. She wasn’t interested in his power. She wasn’t interested in his strength. Nor his ability to fly. She wasn’t even impressed that he had saved her from certain death. Her one and only question was about HOW he was able to do that. WHO was EMPOWERING him? In other words, she could have said: Yeah, you may have me for the moment, but when your steam runs out, then what?

I’m passing on the question: Who’s got you?

When you’re doing superhuman feats, are you relying on your own strength or the Source that supplies you?

When you’re receiving supernatural help, are you aware of who is enabling the person reaching out to you?

God has you covered and supported. He’s the power of the universe. Nothing greater. Relax into Him. He’s been wooing you and whispering to you for a long time: “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

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