Reflection: What do you need to rebound from?

self-reflection: meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions, and motives.

Prompt: What do you need to rebound from?

On July 16, 2020, I was released from the hospital after nearly a week in ICU following a month-long mysterious illness (no confirmation of Covid-19 connection). I thought I was dying and was honestly ready to go. Fast forward to today and I’m laying ground work for an old-age with few financial concerns, no matter the state of my health.

Rebounding from a physical and emotional low has its advantages.

What do you need to rebound from?

Changing perspectives. Fleeing comfort zones.

If everyday is a new day, why is it so hard to start over? Or to rethink life? Rethink process? Rethink you? Or what works for you?

Realizing you’re free of former constraints will lead to a new level of personal freedom.


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