Interview: The Penuel Show w/Gerald Mwandiambira This is an interesting conversation. There are a few points I disagree with both the host and guest on, but overall valid points are made. Where they missed the boat They think Black People have been colonized to the point of not being able to do basic human things, like dream of good futures.ContinueContinue reading “Interview: The Penuel Show w/Gerald Mwandiambira”

Bike the Boros: Staten Island

Bike the Boros: Staten Island
The downhill on the other side of this hill was a mix of reward and terror, like: a lil’ bit of “Oh yay! Downhill!” with a lot of “Oh shit! This is treacherous!” It was a steep, winding downhill road with no shoulder to speak of, two-way traffic with a lot of pot holes, a couple of stop signs peppering the decline and a couple of hairpin sharp turns coming off the hill thrown in for good measure. Not for the faint of heart. But who knew that was coming?

Performing beyond expectations

In June 2011 I purchased a hybrid bike with the intention of training for a 100-mile bike ride at some distant point in the future. During that autumn season, I began riding my first few “long distance” rides of 10-12 miles along the Hudson River through the New Jersey Palisades. The Palisades are mountainous inContinueContinue reading “Performing beyond expectations”

Healed to the best of your understanding.

When my dad died, I realized that I had been subconsciously waiting for him to want a relationship with me. With my hope turned on low, I still hoped he would one day reach out to me in response to all my pass efforts… but he refused to send word to me, to request my presence, to offer reconciliation. That saddened me, but I realized he preferred to go to his grave before reconciling our relationship. Building a relationship was of no interest to him. And I’m okay with his preference. Understanding that about him put my interactions with men in a whole new light. My intolerance, my harshness. My hope, my repeated efforts. My exhaustion and frustration. My desire to build a relationship and lack of understanding of how to go about it. My ineffective communication and my inability to get what I want – a husband and family of my own.