Decline of Intimate Communication

Trying to navigate spaces as your fully authentic self with people who are reserved and calculated with their interactions leads to some form of malfunction. For me, my malfunction revolved around processing the deep emotional hurts that didn’t seem to derive from real interactions or full conversations.

My Crown for a Hug

A review of Spare by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex  In no way can I claim to be a follower or supporter of the British royal family, yet, after the death of Princess Diana, Prince Harry’s mother, I, like many others around the world touched on media updates to see how her lads were doing.ContinueContinue reading My Crown for a Hug

Harvest Life 2022 Content Engagement Goals

Spoiler: More audio and video! Monthly 💻 Zoom Bible Study 🎙Conversations/Interviews (#twitter #spaces + #zoom) 🏠 Home Ownership What topics are you interest in? Share in the comments. Watch for additional details here: #harvestlife #harvestbooks #harvestphotography #harvesthomes #harvestlifer #keepmoving #forward #grace #space #opportunity #harvest

Video: Self-loathers don’t know what love is (Pt 2)

I’m repeatedly reminded that people who don’t love themselves are incapable of giving, receiving or showing love. They are sometimes good at faking it, but fakers always expose themselves out of frustration.

Sermon: Foundation for Favor by Holly Furtick Sermon Notes Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it doesContinueContinue reading “Sermon: Foundation for Favor by Holly Furtick”

Cupcake vs. Man Conundrum

Office small talk gone wrong. There were left-over birthday cupcakes in the office. I walked over grab a couple and shared with ladies on my return to my desk that there were some goodies around the corner. One co-worker vehemently protested the cupcakes. She went on and on about how she couldn’t possibly eat aContinueContinue reading “Cupcake vs. Man Conundrum”

Sometimes people are just jerks.

Recent jerk attacks on my good will: A couple of weeks ago, I posted on FB that I was going to attempt to ride 55 miles on my bike in an event. I asked for words of encouragement and prayers. One “friend” worked in several comments on my one post about her going the whole 108ContinueContinue reading “Sometimes people are just jerks.”