Summary of Lessons Learned in October 2012

by LaShawnda Jones (unless otherwise noted) Click on a lesson to link to its corresponding blog post. Lesson 1: Marriage is all about the partnership of two individuals who have chosen to become one. A partnership between a man, who is created to work and a woman, who is created to help. The partnership works bestContinueContinue reading “Summary of Lessons Learned in October 2012”

New York or Bust

Earlier this year I thought it was time for me to leave New York City. However, over the summer, I realized my time in the City isn’t quite over. I remember when this city had me on my knees. Shortly after arriving here, I thought a premature return to the Midwest was imminent and wouldContinueContinue reading “New York or Bust”

A Taste of Partnership

The former head of my department at work implemented what he called the “two-partner” approach to problem solving. He encouraged his managers to call on each other to talk through difficult or complex issues. He assured them that the process of talking through the problem would yield perspectives and solutions that the solo person neverContinueContinue reading “A Taste of Partnership”

An Open Letter to Ann Coulter by John Franklin Stephens

Originally posted on The World of Special Olympics:
John Franklin Stephens The following is a guest post in the form of an open letter from Special Olympics athlete and global messenger John Franklin Stephens to Ann Coulter after this tweet during last night’s Presidential debate. Dear Ann Coulter, Come on Ms. Coulter, you aren’t dumb…

Man & Wife = Leadership & Management

So, the above six words have been with me for over a month. When they first came together in mind, I realized I had finally hit upon the approach for my two companion books-in-progress:  The Worker: A Man of God and The Helper: A Woman of God. They are two books that are really oneContinueContinue reading “Man & Wife = Leadership & Management”

Summary of Lessons Learned in September 2012

by LaShawnda Jones (unless otherwise noted) Click on a lesson to link to its corresponding blog post. Lesson 1: My tolerance of inconsiderate people enables them to continue to disrespect me. Lesson 2: No, I’m not a sprinter, but I can still finish – and finish well. Lesson 3: Waiting is hoping. If hope isContinueContinue reading “Summary of Lessons Learned in September 2012”

Sometimes people are just jerks.

Recent jerk attacks on my good will: A couple of weeks ago, I posted on FB that I was going to attempt to ride 55 miles on my bike in an event. I asked for words of encouragement and prayers. One “friend” worked in several comments on my one post about her going the whole 108ContinueContinue reading “Sometimes people are just jerks.”

What do I want to remember?

A couple of months ago I was recruited to organize a celebration for a colleague’s 35th Anniversary with the company. A few weeks before her milestone anniversary, she learned that her older brother had died. I read her sad news in an email she sent to my boss explaining why she had been non-responsive on email that week. My heart went out to her.ContinueContinue reading “What do I want to remember?”

Poem: AFTER A WHILE by Veronica Shoffstall

This has been one of my favorite poems since I first read it over a decade ago. In each new season of life that I happen upon it again, it speaks to me with an even greater richness and truth than the time before. I hope you hear the wisdom in the words. After a WhileContinueContinue reading “Poem: AFTER A WHILE by Veronica Shoffstall”